Source code for calpy.entropy.entropy

import numpy
from scipy.stats.mstats import zscore

[docs]def entropy_profile( symbols, window_size = 100, window_overlap = 0 ): """Calculate the entropy profile of a list of symbols. Args: symbols (numpy.array or list (int)): A list of symbols. window_size (int, optional): Number of symbols per entropy window. Defaults to 100. window_overlap (int, optional): How much the entropy windows should overlap. Defaults to 0. Returns: numpy.array(float): The entropy profile. """ N = len(symbols) ent_prof = [] time_step = window_size - window_overlap for k in range((N - window_size) // time_step + 1): window = symbols[k * time_step : k * time_step + window_size] key, cnts = numpy.unique(window, return_counts=True) cnts = cnts / numpy.sum(cnts) probs = dict(zip(key,cnts)) ent_prof.append(-sum(probs[s] * numpy.log(probs[s]) for s in window)) return numpy.array(ent_prof)
[docs]def entropy_profile_2D(symbols, window_size = 100, window_overlap = 0): """Calculate the 2D entropy profile of symbols (typically mfcc with axis 1 as time). Args: symbols (2D numpy.array (int)): Symbols of 2 dimensions. window_size (int, optional): Number of symbols per entropy window. Defaults to 100. window_overlap (int, optional): How much the entropy windows should overlap. Defaults to 0. Returns: 2D numpy.array(float): The 2D entropy profile. """ vfun = lambda x : entropy_profile(x, window_size, window_overlap) ent_prof = numpy.apply_along_axis(vfun, 1, symbols) return ent_prof
[docs]def estimate_Gaussian(X): """Estimate the parametres of a Gaussian distribution using X Args: X (numpy.array (float)): Training dataset with features along axis 0, and examples along axis 1. Returns: Mu (numpy.array (float)): mean of the X (n by 1 dimension). Sigma2 (numpy.array (float)): variance of X (n by 1 dimension). """ Mu = numpy.mean(X, axis=1).reshape(X.shape[0], 1) Sigma2 = numpy.var(X, axis=1).reshape(X.shape[0], 1) return (Mu, Sigma2)
[docs]def multivariate_Gaussion(X, Mu, Sigma2): """Computes the probability density function of multivariate Gaussian distribution. Args: X (1D numpy.array (float)): n by 1 feature vector. Mu (1D numpy.array (float)): n by 1 mean vector. Sigma2 (1D numpy.array (float)): n by 1 variance vector. Returns: p (float): probability of input X. """ assert X.shape == Mu.shape, "Input X and Mu must be the same shape" assert Mu.shape == Sigma2.shape, "Input Mu and Sigma2 must be the same shape" Sigma2 = numpy.diagflat(Sigma2) Sigma2_inv = numpy.linalg.inv(Sigma2) k = X.shape[0] p = 1 / numpy.sqrt( (2 * numpy.pi) ** k * numpy.linalg.det(Sigma2) ) exp_power = -0.5 * (X - Mu).T, Sigma2_inv ), (X - Mu) ) p *= numpy.exp(exp_power) return p
[docs]def symbolise( pitches, eps=8e-2 ): """Symbolose a small piece of speech segment according to pitch slopes. Args: pitches (numpy.array or list (float)): A list of pitches. eps (float, optional): Treshold of pitch slopes to be considered level. Defaults to tan(5 degrees). Returns: int: one symbol of the small piece of speech segment. """ #if input pitches are all 0.0, categorise it as silent (3) if not pitches.any(): return 3 N = len(pitches) xs = numpy.arange(N) ys = pitches AA = numpy.vstack([xs, numpy.ones(N)]).T m, c = numpy.linalg.lstsq(AA, ys)[0] #return m if m>eps: return 0 #rising elif -eps <= m <= eps: return 2 # level else: return 1 # falling
[docs]def symbolise_speech(pitches, pauses, thre=250): """Symbolise a small speech segment according to pitch and pause. Args: pitches (numpy.array(float)): A list of pitches. pauses (numpy.array(int)): A list of pauses. thre (float, optional): Threshold of high pitch. Returns: int: one symbol of the small speech segment. """ #if all silent if pauses.all(): return 1 #high pitch if numpy.average(pitches) > thre: return 2 #normal pitch return 0
[docs]def symbolise_mfcc(mfcc): """Symbolise speech according to mfcc. Args: mfcc (2D numpy.array (float)): A list of mfcc, axis 1 is time and axis 0 is mfcc Returns: symbols (numpy.array (float)): A list of symbols. """ symbols = numpy.zeros(mfcc.shape[1]) mu = numpy.average(mfcc, axis=1) low_mu, med_mu, high_mu = numpy.average(mu[:4]), numpy.average(mu[4:8]), numpy.average(mu[8:12]) for i, mf in enumerate(mfcc.T): symbols[i] = symbols[i] * 2 + int(numpy.average(mf[8:]) > high_mu) symbols[i] = symbols[i] * 2 + int(numpy.average(mf[4:8]) > med_mu) symbols[i] = symbols[i] * 2 +int(numpy.average(mf[:4]) > low_mu) return symbols
[docs]def symbolise_mfcc_multidimension(mfcc): """Symbolise speech in multi-dimensional scale according to mfcc. Args: mfcc (2D numpy.array (float)): A list of mfcc, axis 1 is time and axis 0 is mfcc Returns: symbols (2D numpy.array(int)): Multi-dimensional symbols. A 2D numpy.array with the same shape as input mfcc """ mfcc = zscore(mfcc, axis=1) symbols = numpy.zeros(mfcc.shape) symbols[numpy.where( numpy.abs(mfcc) <= 1 )] = 1 symbols[numpy.where( mfcc > 1)] = 2 return symbols
def _integer_to_edge_condition( k ): """Given a pattern id k, return left, middle, and right conditions Args: k (int): pattern id Returns: [Lcond, Mcond, Rcond] a list of three functions. """ assert k < 64, "Input k = {} must be < 64.".format(k) bdigs = [ int(bit) for bit in '{:06b}'.format(k) ] Lcond = lambda x, y : numpy.logical_xor(bdigs[0], x) and numpy.logical_xor(bdigs[1], y) Mcond = lambda xs, ys : numpy.logical_and( numpy.logical_xor(bdigs[2],xs), numpy.logical_xor(bdigs[3],ys) ) Rcond = lambda x, y : numpy.logical_xor(bdigs[4], x) and numpy.logical_xor(bdigs[5], y) return (Lcond, Mcond, Rcond) def _consecutive(data): """Find left and right indices of consecutive elements. Args: data (numpy.array(int)): 1D numpy.array Returns: [(L, R)] a list of tuples that contains the left and right indeces in data that breaks continuity. """ if data.shape[0] == 0: return [] runs = numpy.split(data, numpy.where(numpy.diff(data) > 1)[0]+1) return [ (run[0],run[-1]) for run in runs ] def _pause_pattern_boundrys( pause_A, pause_B, Lcond, Mcond, Rcond ): """Compute the left and right boundries of a particular pause pattern. Args: pause_A (numpy.array(int)): 0-1 1D numpy integer array with 1s marking pause of speaker A. pause_B (numpy.array(int)): 0-1 1D numpy integer array with 1s marking pause of speaker B. Lcond (function): bool, bool -> bool Mcond (function): numpy.array(bool), numpy.array(bool) -> numpy.array(bool) Rcond (function): bool, bool -> bool Returns: [(L, R)] a list of tuples that contains the left and right indeces in pause profiles that satifies Lcond and Mcond and Rcond """ N = pause_A.shape[0] middles = _consecutive(numpy.where( Mcond(pause_A, pause_B) )[0]) return [ (L,R) for (L,R) in middles if L>0 and R+1<N and Lcond(pause_A[L-1],pause_B[L-1]) and Rcond(pause_A[R+1],pause_B[R+1]) ]
[docs]def symbolise_pauses(pause_A, pause_B): """symbolise a conversation between two speakers into 63 patterns with their pause profiles. Args: pause_A (numpy.array(int)): 0-1 1D numpy integer array with 1s marking pause of speaker A. pause_B (numpy.array(int)): 0-1 1D numpy integer array with 1s marking pause of speaker B. Returns: symbols (numpy.array(int)): a 2D numpy.array with shape (64, pause_A.shape[0]). Axis 1 is the temporal dimension and axis 0 marks the pattern """ assert pause_A.shape == pause_B.shape, "input numpy.arrays pause_A and pause_B must have the same shape!" N = pause_A.shape[0] #DONOT CHANGE THE NUMBER 64 AT ANYTIME!!!! symbols = numpy.zeros((64,N)) for k in range(64): for (L,R) in _pause_pattern_boundrys( pause_A, pause_B, *_integer_to_edge_condition(k) ): symbols[k][L:R+1] = 1 return symbols