Source code for calpy.plots.plots

import numpy

import os

import bokeh.plotting

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .. import utilities
from .. import dsp

[docs]def recurrence( AA, ID=numpy.empty(0,dtype=int), colours=["red","blue","green"] ): """Plots a recurrence plot. Args: AA (numpy.array(float)): A 2D reccurence matrix. ID (numpy.array(int), optional): A vector so that speaker( col[i] ) = ID[i]. Defaults to the 0 vector. colours (list(str), optional): Colours for the plot. Returns: bokeh plot object """ isLower = utilities.is_lower_triangular(AA) AA = AA/AA.max() COLS = colours N = AA.shape[0] if not ID.size: ID = numpy.zeros(N,dtype=int) xs, ys, cols, alphas = list(), list(), list(), list() cell_padding = .8 # Note: r and c are deliberately swapped so that the transpose of AA is plotted for c in range(N): for r in range(c+1 if isLower else N): #for r in range(N): #triangle bottom xs.append([r,r+cell_padding,r+cell_padding]) ys.append([c,c,c+cell_padding]) cols.append( COLS[ID[r]] if AA[c][r]>=0 or c==r else "pink" ) alphas.append( 1-AA[c,r] ) #triangle top xs.append([r,r,r+cell_padding]) ys.append([c,c+cell_padding,c+cell_padding]) cols.append( COLS[ID[c]] if AA[c][r]>=0 or c==r else "black" ) alphas.append( 1-AA[c,r] ) #Plot tweaks plot = bokeh.plotting.figure( plot_width=900, plot_height=900, min_border=100, y_range=(N,0), x_range=(0,N) ) plot.toolbar.logo = None plot.toolbar_location = None plot.xgrid.grid_line_color = None plot.ygrid.grid_line_color = None plot.patches( xs, ys, color=cols, alpha=alphas ) return plot
[docs]def show( bokeh_plot ): """Print a plot to the screen. Args: bokeh_plot (bokeh plot object): bokeh plot object. Return null: Outputs a plot on the default plot device. """ bokeh_plot ) return
[docs]def export( bokeh_plot, file_path, astype="png"): """Save a plot as picture file. Args: bokeh_plot (bokeh plot object): The plot object to be saved. file_path (str): Where to save the picture. astype (str, optional): The file type. Defaults to png, another option is svg. Return null: Outputs a plot to a file. """ if astype not in ["svg","png"]: print("Export type not supported. Use 'svg' or 'png' only.") return if astype=="png": bokeh_plot, filename=file_path+"."+astype) return if astype=="svg": bokeh_plot.output_backend = "svg" bokeh_plot, filename=file_path+"."+astype) return
[docs]def profile_plot( ys, xlabel="", ylabel="", file_name="", figsize=(8,4), remove_zeros=False ): """Plots points on the plane and connects with a line. Args: ys (numpy.array(floats)): List of numeric values to be plotted. xlabel (str, optional): The name for the x-axis. Defaults to emtpy. ylabel (str, optional): The name for the y-axis. Defaults to emtpy. file_name (str, optional): Outputs picture to this file_name. Defaults to empty. figsize (tuple(float,float), optional): A tuple specifying (width, height) in inches of plot. Defaults to (8,4) remove_zeros (bool, optional): Toggle for replacing 0s with NANs. Defaults to False. Returns: null : Saves an image to file_name else displays to default plot """ if remove_zeros: ys[numpy.where(ys == 0)] = numpy.nan #define plot size in inches (width, height) & resolution(DPI) fig = plt.figure( figsize=figsize ) plt.plot( ys, 'm-o', ms=3 ) if ylabel: plt.ylabel(ylabel) if xlabel: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if file_name: plt.savefig(file_name) else: return
[docs]def mfcc_plot( AA, file_name="", figsize=(16,4) ): """Plots points on the plane and connects with a line. Args: AA (numpy.array(floats)): 2D array containing the MFCC. file_name (str, optional): Outputs picture to this file_name. Defaults to empty. figsize (tuple(float,float), optional): A tuple specifying (width, height) in inches of plot. Defaults to (16,4) Returns: null : Saves an image to file_name else displays to default plot """ plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.imshow( AA, cmap = 'hot', alpha = 1, aspect="auto") plt.tight_layout() plt.axis('off') if file_name: plt.savefig( file_name ) else: return
def _heatmap_dist( xs, num_bins=7, num_chunks=10 ): """A helper function for all_profile_plot that returns a matrix that encodes a pitch distribution as a heatmap. Args: xs (numpy.array(float)) : A numpy array of floats. num_bins : Number of bins for historgram. Defaults to 7. num_chunks: Number of chunks of all_profile_plot. Defaults to 10. Returns: numpy.matrix : A matrix for heat mapping. """ AA = numpy.matrix([0 for k in range(num_bins)]) for k, chunk in enumerate( numpy.array_split(xs,num_chunks) ): #hist, bin_edges = numpy.histogram( chunk, bins=num_bins ) hist, _ = numpy.histogram( chunk, density=True, range=(1,256), bins=num_bins ) AA = numpy.vstack( (AA, numpy.matrix(hist)) ) AA = AA.T AA = numpy.delete( AA, 0, 1 ) return AA def _add_lines( ax, num_chunks ): """A helper function for all_profile_plot that adds lines to indicate plot chunks. Args: ax (matplotlib axis): An axis. num_chunks (int): Number of chunks to be illustrated. Returns: null: Adds lines to input axis. """ xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() for L in numpy.arange(xmin+(xmax-xmin)/num_chunks, xmax, (xmax-xmin)/num_chunks): ax.axvline(x=L, color='m', linewidth=2.0 ) return
[docs]def all_profile_plot( file_name, features=["waveform", "mfcc", "pitch", "intensity", "pitch_hist", "dB"], num_plots=200, num_chunks=10, scaling=4, print_status=False ): '''Plots a multirow plot of various features. Args: filename (str): path to the audio file. features (list(string)): list of features to be plotted. Ignores nonexistent features. Defaults to ["waveform", "mfcc", "pitch", "intensity", "pitch_hist", "dB"] num_plots (int): divide the intial wavform into num_plots pieces and create one plot each. Defaults to 200. num_chunks (int): number of subdivisions of one plot. Defaults to 10. scaling (int): scales the size of the output plot. Returns: null: saves plots to a folder in current directory. ''' available_features = ["waveform", "mfcc", "pitch", "intensity", "pitch_hist", "dB"] features = [ feat for feat in features if feat in available_features ] #Remove features that do not exist. fs, sound = utilities.read_wavfile(file_name) file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))[0] #filename without path and extension num_feat = len(features) N = len(sound) stride = N//num_plots if not os.path.exists(file_name): os.mkdir(file_name) for k in range(0, num_plots): fig = plt.figure( figsize=(8*scaling, num_feat*scaling) ) plot_num = 0 L, R = stride*k, stride*(k+1) sound_chunk = sound[L:R] xs = list( L/fs+n/fs for n in range(L,R) ) #feature: Waveform if "waveform" in features: plot_num += 1 ax = plt.subplot(num_feat, 1, plot_num) ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.title.set_visible(False) ax.plot( xs, sound_chunk ) ax.margins(0) _add_lines( ax, num_chunks=num_chunks ) #feature: dB profile if "dB" in features: plot_num += 1 ax = plt.subplot(num_feat, 1, plot_num) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.title.set_visible(False) IP = dsp.dB_profile( sound_chunk, fs ) ax.plot( IP, color='b', linestyle='--', marker='o' ) ax.margins(0) _add_lines( ax, num_chunks=num_chunks ) #feature: Pitch profile if "pitch" in features: plot_num += 1 ax = plt.subplot(num_feat, 1, plot_num) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.title.set_visible(False) ax.set_ylim(0,256) PP = dsp.pitch_profile( sound_chunk, fs ) ax.plot( PP, color='r', linestyle='--', marker='o' ) ax.margins(0) _add_lines( ax, num_chunks=num_chunks ) #feature: Pitch hist if "pitch_hist" in features: plot_num += 1 ax = plt.subplot(num_feat, 1, plot_num) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) ax.title.set_visible(False) AA = _add_lines( PP, num_chunks=num_chunks ) ax.imshow( AA,, alpha = 1, aspect="auto") _add_lines( ax, num_chunks ) #feature: MFCC if "mfcc" in features: plot_num += 1 ax = plt.subplot(num_feat, 1, plot_num) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.title.set_visible(False) AA = dsp.mfcc_profile( sound_chunk, fs ) plt.imshow( AA, cmap = 'hot', alpha = 1, aspect="auto") _add_lines( ax, num_chunks=num_chunks ) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.05) #save plot plt.savefig('{}/time{}_{}.png'.format(file_name, L, R), bbox_inches='tight', orientation="landscape", dpi=200) plt.close() if print_status: print("Plot {} of {} saved to {}".format(k+1, num_plots, '{}/{}/time{}_{}.png'.format(os.getcwd(),file_name, L, R)))
[docs]def feature_distribution(features, output_file, bins=100, showfig=False, savefig=True): """Plot histogram of features Args: features (numpy.array): 1D or 2D feature vector. If 2D, features are along axis 1. output_file (string): path to output figure. bins (int, optional): number of bins, defaults to 100. showfig (bool, optional): True indicates to plot out the figure. Defaults to False. savefig (bool, optional): True indicates to write the figure to disk. Defaults to True. Returns: None, save a figure to output_file or show a figure if showfig. """ assert showfig or savefig, "showfig and savefig parametres are both False, please set at least one to be True." # number of features. n = features.shape[0] fig = plt.figure() for i in range(n): hist, bins = numpy.histogram(features[i,:], bins=bins, density=False) plt.plot(bins[:-1], hist, '+-', label='feature' + str(i)) plt.title('Histogram of all features') plt.legend() if savefig: fig.savefig(output_file, dpi=600) if showfig: