Source code for calpy.utilities.utilities

import numpy

[docs]def pad_signal(signal, sampling_rate, time_step = 0.01, frame_window = 0.025): """segement a signal, 1D audio signal, into frames, such that: output: N by M matrix, in which: each row is a segment of frame_window's audio signal """ T = int(sampling_rate * time_step) Fr = int(sampling_rate * frame_window) Fr +=int(sampling_rate * frame_window > Fr) signal = numpy.append(signal, numpy.zeros(Fr-len(signal)%T)) return signal
[docs]def compress_pause_to_time(signal, sampling_rate, time_step = 0.01, frame_window = 0.025): """compress pause index to time Args: signal (numpy.array(bool)): A list of pause sequence. True indicating pause. sampling_rate (int): sampling frequency in Hz. time_step (float, optional): The time interval (in seconds) between two pauses. Default to 0.01. frame_window (float, optional): The length of speech (in seconds) used to estimate pause. Default to 0.025. Returns: numpy.array(bool): compressed pause. """ T = int(sampling_rate * time_step) Fr = int(sampling_rate * frame_window) Fr +=int(sampling_rate * frame_window > Fr) length = (len(signal) - Fr)//T + 1 pause = numpy.full( length, False ) for i in range(length): if len(numpy.where(signal[i*T:(i+1)*T])[0]) > T/2: pause[i] = True return pause
[docs]def is_upper_triangular( AA ): """Check if a matrix is upper triangular. Args: AA (numpy.array): a 2D matrix. Returns: bool: """ return numpy.allclose(AA, numpy.triu(AA))
[docs]def is_lower_triangular( AA ): """Check if a matrix is lower triangular. Args: AA (numpy.array): a 2D matrix. Returns: bool: """ return numpy.allclose(AA, numpy.tril(AA))
[docs]def read_wavfile( filename, channel=0 ): """Read in a audio file (in .wav format) and enforce the output as mono-channel. Args: filename (str): path to the audio file. channel(int, optional): indicate which channel to read in. Defaults to 0. Returns: int: sampling frequency. numpy.array: audio data. """ sampling_rate, datas = datas = datas.astype(float) if channel > len( datas.shape ): print("Error: Channel {} does not exist. Note: first channel is channel 0.".format(channel)) return elif len(datas.shape)>1: return sampling_rate, datas[:,channel] return sampling_rate, datas
[docs]def write_wavfile(filename, fs, data):, fs, data)
[docs]def merge_pitch_profile( pitches, speaker_id ): """merges n-pitch profiles into one sound based on speaker_id. Args: pitches (list-like(float)): a sequence of pitches. speaker_id (list-like(int)): a list of speakers' id. Returns: numpy.array: merged pitch profile. """ N = len( speaker_id ) merged_pitch_profile = numpy.empty( N ) for i in range(N): merged_pitch_profile[i] = pitches[speaker_id[i]][i] return merged_pitch_profile
[docs]def artificial_signal( frequencys, sampling_frequency=16000, duration=0.025 ): """Concatonates a sequence of sinusoids of frequency f in frequencies. Args: frequencys (list-like(int)): sequence of frequencies of sinusoidual signals in Hz. sampling_frequency (int, optional): sampling frequency in Hz. Defaults to 16000. duration (float, optional): duration of the output sinusoid in seconds. Defaults to 0.025. Returns: numpy.array: artificially generated sinusoidal signal. """ sins = map( lambda f : sinusoid(f, sampling_frequency, duration), frequencys) return numpy.concatenate( tuple(sins) )
[docs]def sinusoid( frequency, sampling_frequency=16000, duration=0.025 ): """Generate a sinusoid signal. Args: frequency (int): the frequency of the sinusoidal signal. sampling_frequency (int, optional): sampling frequency in Hz. Defaults to 16000. duration (float, optional): duration of the output sinusoid in seconds. Defaults to 0.025. Returns: numpy.array: a sinusoid. """ times = numpy.arange(int(sampling_frequency * duration)) return numpy.sin(2 * numpy.pi * frequency * times / sampling_frequency)
[docs]def random_symbols( distribution, length ): if sum(distribution) != 1: print("Warning: probabilites must sum to 1") return return numpy.random.choice( len(distribution), length, p=distribution )
[docs]def random_run( distributions, length, min_run=100, max_more=100 ): ans = list() k, N, M = 0, length, len(distributions) while True: more = numpy.random.randint(0,max_more) if max_more else 0 ext_length = min_run + more ext_length = min( ext_length, N ) ans.extend( random_symbols( distributions[k % M], ext_length ) ) k += 1 % M N -= ext_length if N <= 0: return ans